The first seven minutes of each session are always dreadful. It is a battle between the fat, lazy part of me and the part of me that doesn't want to end up in hospital on Marathon day.
Amazingly something happens in the brain at around eight minutes and everything begins to feel better. The aches and breathlessness begin to fade and I settle into a rhythm and a sense of euphoria at the simple achievement of not giving up.
Apparently this is something to do with endorphins. I believe these are tiny little fish like creatures that swim around in your brain tickling the happy sensors. Endorphins spend most of the time imprisoned but are released when you exercise, eat chocolate or eat hot foods like curry and chili.

I have spent the last twenty years releasing endorphins using the curry and chocolate methods which is of course counter productive and has resulted in the need for me to call this Blog FAT MEN can't run. Without the endorphin releasing chocolate and curry I may have been able to call it "I am a thin man running another Marathon".
I admit, this title may not have sparked your interest as much as the fat version and it would have been far more difficult to write the triumph over adversity story that I intend to but it would have been easier on my knees to run at below 19 stone.