Sunday, 1 June 2008

The Curse of Man Flu!

Yes, it had to happen. I was hoping to get through the Summer and maybe even past the Tatton 10K in September before being struck down but last weekend whilst still basking in the glory of my recent training success I was taken in my prime. This isn't just normal Man Flu, I am suffering from a particularly debilitating form of the condition.

This is Man Flu that only effects the throat and chest and manifests itself in severe shortness of breath and a complete loss of vocal capacity. The symptoms extend to shortness of temper and a great deal of arm waving and picture drawing in a vain attempt to communicate with those around me.

For a week I have been treating this condition with multivitamins, pain killers and large quantities of chocolate biscuits, soaked in Tea as I have been unable to eat solids due to the contraction my vocal chords.

Training has had to be suspended for the last seven days. I am now beginning to get nervous about the Leeds 10k in three weeks. I am yet to run more than 5K and will need to push myself over the next 21 days. I have decided that if I cannot train for the next couple of days, I can at least loose some of the chocolate biscuit weight -it's five a day and pulses for the next week!

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