Sunday, 15 June 2008

The Dress Rehearsal

One week to go to the Leeds 10k and today was the last big training day before the event. The last chance to build confidence, check my preparation and predict a time for the 10k.

Earlier in the week I planned the route. Four miles (6.5km) of roads with some hills and variation. I went shopping for energy bars, energy drinks, knee supports and other items that would obviously make all the difference to my performance.

Maybe it was psychological but as I left the house I felt confident, almost energetic. Although it may just have been the energy bar and drink effecting my brain. I started the stopwatch and began to run.

The first mile took 11 minutes. Not bad I thought and I wasn't feeling too bad. By the second mile, completed after 23 minutes I was still feeling OK but I was aware that it was getting harder up the hills, still, I consoled myself with the fact that it was easier on the way down.

During the third mile a cyclist came past me but then slowed a little. I thought, "maybe I can catch him back up". Using this moving object as a pace setter I took off towards him. All was going well, I had something to pace to and for the first time I was not focusing on what appears to be the endless road.

Unfortunately in focusing on my new target I forgot to take notice of what I was running on and tripped over a curbstone.....ouch!

I gave up on my moving target and looked to simply finish the distance without any further injuries, completing the four miles in 48minutes 10 seconds. With only two more training sessions before race day the focus now shifts to rest and preparation.

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